Brothers Real

So a while ago I published a story called "How I Saved My Brothers,"  about someone with two brothers, both quite accomplished. I happen to have two brothers who are quite accomplished. My older brother, Daniel, just retired after 40 years in the State Department and gave a farewell speech that's been quoted all over the place and landed him on Rachel Maddow. My younger brother, Joshua, just organized a performance in Brooklyn (last Thursday, March 16)  that included his own Radio Wonderland, a solo musical universe that recently released its (his) first album, Seize the Means. The evening also featured experimental music luminaries Todd Reynolds and Peter Gordon, among others. But don't worry, this middle child will brag about himself, too: I'm a finalist in the Writers@Work 2017 fiction contest, for a short story called, "There's No Such Thing as Accidents."  I plan to include this in my short story collection called Guide for the Unguidable, which, yes, is also the name of this blog.

Joshua Fried, aka Radio Wonderland, at the Gemini & Scorpio space in Gowanus, Brooklyn

Joshua Fried, aka Radio Wonderland, at the Gemini & Scorpio space in Gowanus, Brooklyn